Barbara L. Peacock 10th Anniversary Gala
We are very excited to have you join us this year for the 10th Anniversary Celebration! We look forward to a night of Fun, Food and Fundraising as we have huge announcements to share!
Save the Date: October 19, 2024 at 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Sponsorship Information
As you consider your year-end giving, we hope you will take into account the impact that BLP Ministries is having on lives domestically and internationally through such ministries as Peacock Soul Care Institute (PSCI), United Praying Women, and our Kenya missions work. When you sow into BLP Ministries, you help to further the cause of Christ near and abroad.
Click below to download the Sponsorship Items
- BLP Anniversary Gala Event Sponsorship Proposal
- BLP Anniversary Gala Sponsorship Commitment Form
- Proposed Gala Sponsorship Letter
best selling author
Barbara L. Peacock
In this world of frantic activity and constant entertainment, it can be hard to identify and embrace the rhythms that lead to true flourishing. Your spirit longs for a stronger connection to the divine, a clearer sense of personal spiritual growth, a closer relationship with your creator and redeemer. But how do you integrate this kind of inner growth into the realities of your outer life?
About this Episode:
“SOUL CARE” premiers on Sunday, July 14th, and will re-air on Tuesday (07/16) and Thursday (07/18) with Author, Spiritual Director, Founder/BLP Ministries, Dr. Barbara Peacock.
Barbara L. Peacock
My Story
Dr. Barbara L. Peacock is the author of the award-winning book Soul Care in African American Practice. She also wrote Psalm 119 Scriptural Journal and Called to Teach (Acronym C.A.L.L.E.D. means Commissioned As Leaders, Learners, Educations and Disciples). She is passionate about the disciplines of prayer, spiritual direction (soul care), lectio, and visio divina. In 2013 she founded Barbara L. Peacock Ministries. This ministry is committed to providing safe spaces for encounters with God.
Dr. Peacock grew up in Whiteville, NC, where she attended elementary school. She graduated from West Columbus High School, Cerro Sordo, NC. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC; her Master of Arts Degree from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jer-sey; and her Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA. Her doctoral focus was Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders.
In this course, Soul Care Director, Barbara Peacock illustrates a journey of prayer, spiritual direction, and soul care from an African American perspective. She reflects on how these disciplines are woven into the African American culture and lived out in the rich heritage of its faith community.
Recent Books
Soul Care In African American Practice
Soul care director Barbara Peacock illustrates a journey of prayer, spiritual direction, and soul care from an African American perspective.
Spiritual Practices For Soul Care Workbook
Take time to reflect, journal, and contemplate the Divine with this companion workbook to Soul Care in African American Practice as your guide.